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How trading, rebalancing and portfolio optimization, backtesting and other features work on Double.
9 articles
Strategy Optimization ModesInformation about how we optimize, rebalance and tax loss harvest your indexes on Double
Portfolio RebalancingInformation about how we rebalance your portfolio across strategies
Connecting Your Double Account to 3rd Party ServicesDouble is integrated with Plaid directly, and Apex Clearing can integrate with other services
BacktestingHow backtesting works on double
Powerful ETF Comparisons with DoubleLearn about our ETF comparison tool and what data we've made available to users.
Customize a US Top 500 PortfolioLearn how to build a customized US Top 500 Portfolio on Double
ETF Investing with Double: A Simple ApproachHow to invest with ETFs on Double, while taking advantage of our pre-built portfolios, tax loss harvesting and dollar cost averaging.
Dollar Cost AveragingHow it works at Double and why you'd want to do it
Bulk Select Tool: Streamlining Your Investment ResearchUse Double's Bulk Select tool on the research page to speed up your investment research and how quickly you can invest in a basket of stocks